Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving is done...

..and so is the Splendor yarn. While it isn't as purple as I wanted, I like how it turned out.

Splendor Yarn

I used two Splendor singles and one purple single for this yarn. When I ran out of the purple single, I Navajo-plied the rest.

Finished 11/24/2007
Yarn Wench
BFL Wool roving (4.3 oz) in Splendor 2 and Falkland roving (2.0 oz) in Purple 2
Spun and plied on Lendrum Folding wheel

Traditional 3-ply yarn, yield: 158.5 yds.

Navajo-ply, yield: 50 yds.

12 WPI, Medium (Worsted) weight

Here's the close-up of the traditional 3-ply yarn:

Splendor Yarn, close up

Here's the close-up of the Navajo-ply yarn:

Splendor Yarn 2

On the knitting front, I worked on the Peekaboo mittens in the car on the way to and from the Christmas tree farm, watching TV, and on the trip to the airport yesterday to drop off the Daughter. I love that my husband prefers to drive on these trips; it gives me lots of craft time!

Peekaboo Mittens, in progress

Anyway, when I started working on these, they were still cuffs. I am past the finger opening and working on my way to the top of the mittens. Once I finish that, I can do the thumbs. I think I could have finished these mittens if it wasn't for the fact that the Daughter and I have big hands with long fingers. I had finished the openings and tried the mittens on—the opening was set too low and was not wide enough. (I should have remembered this from the last time I knitted this pattern. Oh, well...) So I ripped out the opening and knitted 4 additional rows and increased 4 stitches. Then I started the rows for the opening and made it 16 stitches wide instead of 12. It fits much better now! I hope to finish these mittens this week.

Yesterday, after taking the Daughter to the airport, the Husband and I spent the rest of the day moving stuff out of my craft room, my office, and moving all the craft, bedroom, and living room furniture, pictures, etc. away from the four sliding glass doors that we are having replaced. What a lot of work that was!! We had to take down all the curtain rods and move the rugs, too. We were both really tired and sore after that.

The window guys showed up at 7:30 this morning and began removing stucco around the windows (read: Boom! Boom! Boom!). They will replace the two smaller windows today and the two larger ones tomorrow. I'll be glad when it's done (so will the cats!) Then comes the fun part of putting everything away. Oh, boy!!

It's gonna be a long week!

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