Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving's tomorrow...

...and I've got a bunch to do. Thank goodness the Husband is doing the airport run to pick up the Daughter!

This morning, I put the turkey in its brine bath, made a Safeway run for breakfast, and a Target run for a new shirt. Then, I went to work. Yeah...that's where I am now,
finishing up a project and taking care of a few things that won't hold until Monday. Every year I tell myself that I should take Wednesday off; every year I forget.

Because I have no crafty pictures, you'll have to be happy with cats. :-) Here are the two girls watching me fly around this morning trying to get ready for work:

Do you want something?

Sombra, of course sat still for just one picture before she nosed the camera. I got wonderful shots of her nose, eyes, and ears while she checked out the camera. (You'd think she'd never seen one before.) Tica, on the other hand, could not be bothered to move—I took several pictures where she is in the exact same position, with the exact same look on her face (annoyed).

Anyway, I am leaving early...need to make the stuffing (dressing), put the yam casserole together, and bake the bread pudding and a pumpkin pie. By the time I'm finished with that, my floors will definitely need mopping!

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!! Have a good one!

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