Tuesday, December 11, 2007


...baked the first two last night: Spumoni Slices and Chocolate-Coffee Ribbons.

First batch of Christmas cookies

As the typical over-achiever, I made the Spumoni slices 6 layers instead of 3 and made the the Ribbons 7 layers instead of 6. (Just can't leave well enough alone!)

I also prepped two batches of truffles; they have to chill until firm enough to roll. I made a batch of my Chile-Chocolate Truflles (using the last tablespoon of my Santa Maria chile powder and some cayenne) and a batch of Cran-Marnier Truffles (dried cranberries, Grand Marnier, and orange zest).

My house and tree still aren't completely decorated, but I'm working on it! The Husband has decided to visit relatives in San Diego for the weekend, so I hope to get a bunch done while he's gone.

And, I got tagged for a meme--I've never been tagged before! However, I need to find 7 people to tag in return and most of the people I read have already been tagged for this meme. Hmmm, I guess I'll have to go exploring!

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Eye Candy Friday...

...blog and run. This morning's sunrise was wonderful: Our cape mallow seems to be happy in the backyard: