Thursday, December 13, 2007

Oh, Christmas tree...

...I came home to this the other night:

Outdoor Tree, dark version ...... Outdoor Christmas tree
w/o flash ..... w/flash

This is in the back yard, visible through the kitchen window. The Husband created this little tree out of a stack of wire tomato cages and some icicle lights! (He is a very creative person. Some would say twisted, but...) This tree makes me smile every time I think about it!

In the continuing saga of Christmas goodies, I made the Macadamia-Lime Truffle mixture last night and put it in the refrigerator to chill. I now have all of the truffle mixtures made, so I just need a truffle-rolling session to finish them off. I'll probably wait until we're a little closer to G-day (gift day is 12/21 for the office).

I spent most of my time last night getting out the tree decorations, setting up the Nativity scenes (2), and setting up my New Mexico village. The decorations are coming together, but I need to time share between this and finishing up my secret projects.


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Eye Candy Friday... and run. This morning's sunrise was wonderful: Our cape mallow seems to be happy in the backyard: