Wednesday, December 12, 2007

red sky in the morning...

...this is what the sky looked like when I got back from the gym this morning:

Morning Sky, 12/12/07

I love how the clouds look like they've been painted with red.

So, nothing new today. My Pilates class ran long last night and I didn't get home until 9pm; by the time I finished dinner, it was 9:30—too late to start baking or do anything that required a lot of energy.

I did work on my secret Christmas project. I need to finish this up since I'd like to send the package real soon now. I think she'll like my gift. (Are the lack of hints bugging you yet, Jane?? )

I'm still looking for 7 people to tag for the meme...if I don't come up with them soon, I think I'll just post my answers anyway. (You really want to know 7 weird things about me, right?)

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Eye Candy Friday... and run. This morning's sunrise was wonderful: Our cape mallow seems to be happy in the backyard: