Friday, January 04, 2008

Eye Candy Friday / Yarn Pr0n Friday

...I've been craving some of this yarn ever since Blue Moon released the Raven series.

Grawk, Blue Moon Fiber Arts

This is Lightweight Socks That Rock in the color "Grawk." It has a base of black with touches of green and purple. While I really love it, I'm considering using it as a prize for my Blogiversary contest.

Yes, I am having a contest! I'll post the details tomorrow.

We have a huge storm raging right now. I had to come home because the power went out at work and then the Internet was down at home for a couple of hours. I'm keeping this relatively short and posting it quickly!

Back tomorrow with the contest!

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Eye Candy Friday... and run. This morning's sunrise was wonderful: Our cape mallow seems to be happy in the backyard: