Monday, February 04, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday to the Daughter!

...and yes, I feel old! (gee, thanks...I hadn't thought about that in the last 5 seconds! LOL!)

Seriously, I know all parents say it, but I don't know where the time has gone. When they're babies, it's hard to imagine them as adults with their own separate lives. You just want to cuddle them and keep them safe from all harm. As they grow, you delight in their delights, praise their achievements, discipline when necessary, and just love them. The older they get, the faster time seems to fly.

The Daughter and me

For me, time went into warp 9 when the Daughter started high school. She was so busy with school, activities, and friends that it was all done by the time I caught my breath. Then it was off to college...grad school...and now the doctoral program.

Whew! She's worked hard to get this far, and she's taken us with her every step of the way. She calls to share her delights, announce her achievements, and ask for parental sympathy when things don't go as planned or hoped. We have a tight bond with our daughter and that, in turn, delights us.

So, happy birthday, Sweetie! We are proud of you and we love you!


shauna said...

Actually, the happy 30th should go to you!! You are the one who continues to give life to the life that you gave 30 years ago today.

The Daughter loves you more than anything in the world!


marie said...

...and that's what makes her a great daughter!

MWAH!! Heart you, baby!

Anonymous said...

Well golly, you've been doing a fantastic job as a mom! Congrats! And your daughter is lucky! She's gets your biscotti - which, by the way, have been gone quite a few days...Terry :)

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...and things are blooming everywhere. Our front yard looks great: In the backyard, we have new petunias. Purple Night Sky: ...