Wednesday, March 19, 2008

another no-WIP Wednesday...

...still working on the Lenore socks and the secret birthday present. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of looking at Lenore sock pictures; I just want them done. I have another two inches before I can start the toes. And I won't be able to show you the present until after the recipient's birthday in April!

Instead, I'll show you a little thing I've been playing with online. I recently signed up for Picnik, an online photo editing site. I wanted editing software that I could use to quickly crop and make minor adjustments to photos before uploading them to Flickr. I've been very happy with Picnik—it does most of what I want and the interface is very nice. The biggest plus is that it is a web-based application, so I can access it from any computer. I signed up for the paid version because there were some cool photos effects that I want to use (and it had no ads).

So here is a photo I took yesterday morning
I love the look of the clouds and the moon (as with all my pictures, click to see it bigger).

Moon in morning sky 1

Using the HDR-ish camera effect on the picture results in this:

Moon in morning sky 2

Now you can really see how the clouds go across the sky and how many gray clouds there are.

Exploring the different effects has been fun, so you may see more of them in the future...


Just Jane said...

well HECK! if you didn't show the socks again, least you COULD have done was show us that...really cool, awesome, incredible, amazing, thoughtful, and loving birthday gift you are so "secretly" working on! geez!

marie said...

You have absolutely no patience! At least you'll get to see it in person... everyone else has to make do with pictures! LOL!

Just Jane said...

Hey, just trying to help all those people out there that keep hearing about the "surprise"...they may be impatient too you know!

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...I love this time of the year! The path in our backyard has filled out and there are flowers blooming everywhere. This is the view ...