Wednesday, November 19, 2008

WIP-it Wednesday, feline-style...

...the Siamese cat is almost done! I've finished all the knitting and done most of the seaming. I just need to stuff it, embroider the face, and add ribbons and a button to the apron.

All it needs is stuffing...

Love this pattern! All of the Fuzzy Mitten patterns are adorable and the instructions are well written. I'll probably make a couple more of these because they're fast and fun.

I haven't done much more than that...we're still trying to get the kitchen put back together. All the cabinet doors are back up and the Husband has caulked half of the counter. I need to get in there with some bleach and clean the grout so it's white instead of red. (Sanding all that old red paint really spread a nice layer of red dust on everything!)

The kitchen has to get done soon so I can start my Thanksgiving prep. ACK!! That's next week...gotta get serious here really soon!


Just Jane said...

The kitten is DARLING! I WANT ONE! So there, now you have my "Christmas wish" It can go places with me and keep me company around the house...haha...

marie said...

But what would the bunny say? LOL!

I understand, though...I want one too! I may not be able to part with this one!

Catching Up on Thursday...

 ...totally spaced on posting yesterday.   I've been involved in reorganizing my fabric. The cats decided it's fun to pull my ...