Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I have WIPs...

...but I can't show them to you! And I can't show you any baking, because I haven't started that yet. It's the 3rd and I'm already behind!

This always happens when Thanksgiving is at the end of November. December comes to quickly and I'm not quite ready to move on to Christmas. I've spent the last two evenings shopping for baking supplies, so now I think I have most everything I need.

It's always a trip to watch other shoppers faces when I start loading up my cart at Trader Joe's or Safeway! I buy the nuts, dried fruit, and butter from Trader Joe's—that's about 25 pounds of nuts and fruit, and 6 pounds of butter. I buy the flour, sugar, and eggs from Safeway—I start with 20 pounds of sugar, 20 pounds of flour, and 3 dozen eggs. I usually end up buying more sugar, eggs, and butter later in the month. While the other shoppers give me strange looks, the checkers are always happy to volunteer to taste the goodies!

Since I have no pictures of WIPs, here are a couple of sky pictures. First, yesterday's sky as seen from the parking lot at work. The clouds were rolling in over the foothills...

Clouds rolling in

For the last few days, it's been very foggy in the morning. By the time I get to the gym in the morning, the bike and I are totally soaked. I have to keep wiping my glasses several times because they get completely misted over. Here's what it looks like (taken at 8:30 this morning):

Foggy weather

The fog has burned away, so we have blue sky now.

Back on Friday with some sort of eye candy...

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Eye Candy Friday... and run. This morning's sunrise was wonderful: Our cape mallow seems to be happy in the backyard: