Friday, December 05, 2008

OMG, it's December 5th!

...and I have absolutely nothing baked yet! Ack!! On the other hand, I do have some Christmas shopping done. Thank goodness for online shopping and free shipping deals!

For today's Eye Candy, here's a peek at our tangerine tree:


Both our tangerine and grapefruit trees have set a lot of fruit this time (I guess to make up for the pomegranate that only had 6 fruit). None of the tangerines are ripe yet, but should be ready around Christmas.

Up this weekend: Playing catch-up in the kitchen, of course. And any spare cycles will be spent on my secret project, and decorating, and... Weekends are never long enough in December; if only I didn't have to sleep!

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Eye Candy Friday... and run. This morning's sunrise was wonderful: Our cape mallow seems to be happy in the backyard: