Monday, March 30, 2009

almost human...

...if this darn cough would go away, I'd be OK! Man, this stuff was way yucky! Fever, chills, headaches, congestion, and coughing...just loads of fun.

I started to feel better Friday, but then the coughing kicked in. I been sleeping sitting up for the last few nights so I don't cough as helps, but I still cough at night. I've developed a new appreciation for Jell-o and Fudgesicles—they both soothe the throat.

Most of the time, I was camped on the couch. The two cats kept me company, so I saw a lot of these:

Cat pads...

They didn't seem to mind the coughing too much, although Sombra would yell at me from time to time.

Once I started feeling better, I was able to knit again. I finally finished the Queen of Beads socks. Just in time, too, as the next club installment arrived today! Here they are:

Queen of Beads socks

...and another view:

Queen of Bead socks, another view

Finished: 3/28/2009
Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin' Sock Club, January 2009 installment

Socks That Rock Lightweight in "My Blue Heaven"

Needles: US 2 (2.75mm)
Size: Medium

I went outside to take some pictures of the socks...the sun felt so good! Of course, I can't take the camera outside without somebody being nosy:

Can I help?

I'm back to work today, trying to figure out where I left off. I'll take pictures of the new Rockin' Sock Club installment when I get a chance.

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

Cool socks! Love the pattern....the beads look neat you feel them when the socks are on? Glad you are feeling better....take it easy! Talk to ya Wednesday..surely we have a few things to catch up on ya think??

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...I love this time of the year! The path in our backyard has filled out and there are flowers blooming everywhere. This is the view ...