Monday, May 11, 2009

it was a nice weekend...

...even if it didn't go exactly as I planned it. I just kept getting side-tracked and it was mostly my own doing!

First off, since the Husband is busy re-tiling my shower, I've had to use his bathroom. I realized it needed a little freshening, so I bought new rugs and towels for it. The Husband replaced the shower head in there (Thank goodness--it was very weak!) and I did a deep clean. I had recently bought one of those Shark Floor Steamers (Thanks for the tip, Jane!) and it did a bang-up job on the tile floor. His bathroom looks so much nicer now!

While I had the steamer out, I did the kitchen, living room, and hall floors. I still need to do the Daughter's room and my sewing room, but I need to shift some stuff around first. Doing the floors and a general pickup, and the trip to Target, took up a good chunk of the weekend.

For Mother's Day, the Husband volunteered to do a barbecue lunch for his parents. He decided to do a tri-tip and make Santa Maria-style piquinto beans. Aside from answering a few questions and adding my 2-cents occasionally, he did it all himself—the shopping AND the cooking! We had lunch on their back deck and enjoyed the warm weather. I did a little knitting on the Stranded socks, but mostly just enjoyed the company.

When we got home, I spent a little time spinning on the wheel until my hand decided to act up. Then I worked on the February Lady Sweater for a few rows...I love the look of this sweater, but, I swear every few rows I do something stupid and come up short in one of the pattern rows! Then I had to tink all the way back to the place that I messed up. (and you know it's always towards the beginning of the row!) I've got the sweater back on track (again!) and put it away.

I pulled out the spindle and spun a bit more of the Angora-Merino fiber, but I'm finding the angora to be bit of a's really soft and gets easily unspun. I get a lot of breakage, which drops the spindle on the floor. Thank goodness I'm going it over a carpeted surface! I have a full spindle now and need to move the cop to a holding bobbin.

That's pretty much it for the weekend. I talked to my mother on Sunday and talked to my kid a couple of times. The Daughter scored major points (not that she doesn't normally)...she mailed me a card, sent an e-card, and sent flowers! See, aren't they pretty:

Mother's Day bouquet

Pink rose

Yellow Lily

I can't wait for the summer when she'll be on this coast instead of so far away!

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Catching Up on Thursday...

 ...totally spaced on posting yesterday.   I've been involved in reorganizing my fabric. The cats decided it's fun to pull my ...