Monday, September 14, 2009

it was a good weekend...

...a little quilting...a little cross stitch...thunder, lightening and rain...the Mountain View Art & Wine Festival on Sunday... and a True Blood marathon. What more could you ask for?

The thunder and lightening at 4 am was cool...the lightening flashes lit up our bedroom and the thunder drove the cats under the bed! In the morning, the sky was gorgeous. You could see several types of clouds in one direction:

Morning sky after a thunderstorm

I took other pictures, but I'm saving them for Eye Candy Friday.

I spent a good deal of time finishing my quilt top. I ripped out a few blocks and reset them in new locations. I also sewed strips together to make the quilt borders. Because I was recording the True Blood marathon on HBO on my craft room TV, I was forced to watch it while I worked. LOL!

By Sunday evening, I had finished sewing the top together, just in time to watch the season finale of True Blood. Here's what the top looks like:

Paint It Red Quilt

I had been calling it "Paint It Black" only because every time I look at it, I hear the Rolling Stones sing, "I see a red door and I want it painted black..." However, now that the top is finished and the block progression is black to red, its official name is "Paint It Red." It's very different from any other quilt I've completed. It certainly took a lot longer to get to this point than any other quilt! Now I just need to find a big enough space to lay it out and baste the quilt.

I continue to make progress on the cross stitch mermaid; it's just slow. I haven't worked on this large a piece in a few years, and it's taken a bit to get back into any sort of rhythm. It's kind of like working on a 2,000+ piece jigsaw puzzle—each stitch (which represents an area of 0.14x0.14 inch for this project) is a small piece of the puzzle and you have to step back to see how the last 2 hours of work affected the entire design. It's time-consuming, but well worth it when you see the finished piece.

I'm still don't feel like knitting, but Sirena is beginning to call me...time to start spinning again!

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

NICE JOB!! Sounds like you had a great time! Highlight of our weekend was having the little one call us Sunday morning and wish us a "happy grandparent's day"...I didn't realize it "was" was a treat! Great dinner prepared by "mom & dad" was nice...actually we haven't been home for dinner for 3 tonight one must cook, or forget how!....only problem is...interfering with some sewing..oh well!

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...I love this time of the year! The path in our backyard has filled out and there are flowers blooming everywhere. This is the view ...