Friday, April 30, 2010

last Eye Candy Friday of the month...

...and tomorrow it's May! (I know! Where did April go?!) Since I'm still suffering from project ennui, all of today's eye candy is from the garden.

Blueberries to be...


A beefsteak tomato blossom...

Red Beefsteak Tomato blossom

And a nasturtium...

Nasturtium sunrise

The nasturtiums are currently taking over the garden. They'll die back in a bit, but until then, they add a nice jolt of color to the garden.

Up this weekend: I have some neglected housecleaning to's time to get serious about the dust on the shelves and I need to move some books from the bedroom to the upstairs bookshelves so I'm not tripping over them all the time. Craft-wise, I'm determined to get the cuffs done on the Rusty Dahlia socks so I can move on to another part of the socks. I also want to ply the "Green Crazy Batt" single (need a real name for this yarn) and declare it done. Beyond that, who knows what will catch my attention!

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

I'm in total agreement with you on several issues....."I" could seriously do some housecleaning as well!! BIG TIME........ and I agree, you need to finish those socks....they are keeping you from others.....and they are SOOOOOO PRETTY!! As for the green can name them after my eyes....they are call it "green eyes".......does that work?? Have a good one whatever you do.....housecleaning I will put on my list for sure...gonna go gangbusters and get it ALL done...but AFTER going to some major yard sales...all the communities around here are having annual yard sales....good stuff! Sunday another Pampered Chef party..still need a few to ya monday!

Catching Up on Thursday...

 ...totally spaced on posting yesterday.   I've been involved in reorganizing my fabric. The cats decided it's fun to pull my ...