Thursday, April 08, 2010

Random thoughts for Thursday...

  1. I have a long weekend coming up and it's thrown me off by a day. As a result, I forgot to post yesterday. Oops!

  2. My biggest WIP is our taxes. Almost there, but I'm missing a couple of small things. Them it's on to the Daughter's taxes.

  3. Why are most skirts so short that they show things you don't want them to? And when you do find a skirt that's long enough, it has no structure so it's guaranteed to look dumpy. Or, it's made out of fabric that looks like clown barf.
  4. On the same subject, when shopping for clothes, why are my choices limited to looking inappropriately young (and stupid) or looking like I'm really old and frumpy? People, there needs to be something in between that doesn't cost as much as a car!
  5. Can you tell I've been shopping? I'm trying to find something decent to wear to a family wedding this Saturday. I found something...not totally happy with it, but it's the best I can do at this point!
  6. I'm hoping to get some decent pictures while we are at Lake Tahoe for the wedding. I'm also hoping to get some knitting time in on the ride up.
  7. Is that random enough?

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

I Love the clown Barf appropriate! Hope that isn't what you settled for! Glad it YOU looking for clothes and not ME! ACK I HATE shopping for clothes unless it's for the baby(s) ....Have fun...enjoy the trip and the wedding, talk to ya monday

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...and things are blooming everywhere. Our front yard looks great: In the backyard, we have new petunias. Purple Night Sky: ...