Monday, June 14, 2010

getting reacquainted with my sewing machine...

...and, of course, I picked a hot weekend to quilt! At least my sewing room is one of the cooler rooms in the house.

I spent most of Saturday sewing blocks for the teal quilt. The pattern uses 12 different fat quarters from which you cut a series of strips, some 6.5 x21" and and some  3.5x21". You cut and sew the strips into various units from which you create 3 styles of blocks. Then you arrange the blocks, trying not to let any of the same fabric touch and keeping a good balance of light and dark.

The first quilt layout is always wrong in one way or another, but you have to start somewhere! Here is my first attempt:

New quilt, first look

I really need to work on the balance of light and dark! One nice thing is that this layout does not use all of the quilt blocks. I have 5 left over. I'll cycle these in as necessary until I get a good balance. Yes, I could use them to make the quilt longer, but that would make it too long and once I add the 4-inch borders, it's a good size quilt. When I have a layout I like, I'll use 4 of the extra squares to make a cover for the quilt. (You can see a sample cover on my website,)

Speaking of quilt covers, I did manage to quilt the one for Flower Power. However, that's as far as I got with that quilt. It was just too hot to wrestle the quilt through the sewing machine!

I did work a little on the Reflection Shawl, but I have to frog back a couple of rows because something is off on the center lace panel. I'm having a lot pf trouble with this section because the are yarn-overs right before a marker and right after the next marker. These yarn overs keep slipping...some where back about 3 rows, I accidentally included one in the center panel and through the lace off by one stitch. Rats!

(Also, I really shouldn't knit this project while watching True Blood. It's too exciting and too easy to lose my place!)

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

When my eyes see your qui;t layout, I do not see enough upward motion....seems like more dead end roads........but what do I know? Pretty colors!! We've been doing some of the LONGEST part of your birthday gift.......this I think will be the hardest part.......but for sure we are having fun figuring it all out!

Catching Up on Thursday...

 ...totally spaced on posting yesterday.   I've been involved in reorganizing my fabric. The cats decided it's fun to pull my ...