Wednesday, June 09, 2010

WIP-it Wednesday, no-sock edition...

...can I say again what a relief it is to have those socks done?!

As promised, here is a picture of the Yarn Wench batts that I am spinning:

Natural Dyes Wild Card #4968

This is a combination of naturally colored alpaca, soysilk, merino, mohair, carbonized bamboo, and other wool dyed naturally in logwood and pomegranate. Very different colors for me! I'm still trying to figure out the best way to spin this. So far, "thin" is not working well.

Also as promised, here is the fabric for the next quilt:

Teal fabrics ready to sew

The fabric on the far right (with the swirls) is the border fabric; the rest are the strips ready to be sewn into blocks. It more teal in natural light. I am trying to come up with a name for this quilt. So far, "Run and Teal That", "Teal Me Why", and "Teal Me" are possibilities.

I continue to make slow progress with the Reflection Shawl. It's my first knitted lace shawl so I'm trying not to make too many mistakes!

And finally, this is not a WIP yet, but take a look at the latest installment of the Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin' Sock Club (behind the spoiler picture):

The color of the yarn has generated lots of comments, pro and con, in the Ravelry forums. Personally, I like it, but not for a knitted item. I think it will make a perfect warp for a woven creation! Neither of the patterns appeal to me, mostly because they are anklets. I learned with the IDJ Cascade Anklets that I just don't like knitting them!

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

Twirling Teal.....Teal with a twist.....Twisted up that any help?? I like the yarn in the new socks....looks really soft!! You'll figure out something, you always do!

April 2024 Recap...

 ...a little of this, a little of that. Finished: 4/1 Dreaming Cleo (cross stitch) 4/3 Pearl Orchid mini (cross stitch) 4/17 ...