Wednesday, August 04, 2010

we now return you to our regularly scheduled sock knitting...

...hooray!  And Spoiler alert! I have a picture of my Rockin' Sock Club socks for July later in the post. You have been warned!

So, I cast-on for two pairs of socks on the last day of July. (I know...don't say it!)

But I have been wanting to knit the Blackberry Brambles socks by Irishgirlieknits [Ravelry] for a while and the Mochaberry Socks That Rock yarn was calling my name. I love this pattern!

Here's where I am so far:

Mochaberry Brambles socks, cuffs

Then the Rockin' Sock Club installment came with a cool pattern by Anne Hanson and I had to cast that on, too! However, I made myself do the ribbing for both patterns so they would be at the same stage before I allowed myself to start the patterning. I am alternating between the two socks and am pretty pleased that they are both on track. They both look very cool!

Here's the Sock Club sock:

My Heart Beets 4U socks, cuffs

I still have a merino-silk in progress on my wheel and I should get back to that very soon.

Hmmmm, and there are two quilts waiting, too. Somehow there is never enough time! LOL!

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

love the second pair...pretty colors!! as for ONLY have 5 years and 29 days to go.....speaking of there will be some "comprehensive" work done to meet my Sept 4th deadline..............HEHEHEHEHE

Catching Up on Thursday...

 ...totally spaced on posting yesterday.   I've been involved in reorganizing my fabric. The cats decided it's fun to pull my ...