Friday, October 08, 2010

Eye Candy Friday already...

...and Wednesday just zipped on by without a post from me. The least I can do is give you a picture:

Yellow Hibiscus

This yellow hibiscus and a peach hibiscus are replacing the plant that died in our courtyard. This time around, The Husband put them in planters instead of in-ground. That way if the weather does not cooperate, he can move them.

Between some small projects at work and my brother being here for a few days, things were not quite the norm. Nothing bad, just different.

My brother arrived mid-day Monday and left on Thursday morning. It was a quick trip, but it was really good to spend some time with him for a change. Usually, I only get to see him for a couple of hours, so this was a treat. If he gets a job in this ares, I'll be seeing him a lot more.

Because he was here on Monday, I skipped Craft Night. I really missed going because I get a lot done there. Instead I worked on my Mochaberry Brambles socks. I am finally done with the cuffs and I'm working on the heel flap. Lats night I pulled out The Beets Go On socks and discovered a problem with the yarn. It looks like someone (one of the cats?) has been chewing on the yarn. there are a couple of places where some of the plies are ripped. I checked a few yards of the yarn and the rest of it looks OK so far.  I sure hope it's the cats...maybe I'll freeze this project for a few days, just to be sure.

Up this weekend: Finish doing whatever house cleaning I can do before leaving on our trip. I need to buy kitty supplies and find the self-feeders. I've lined up a house sitter and need to write up some instructions. It will be a whirlwind around here until we leave!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...I love this time of the year! The path in our backyard has filled out and there are flowers blooming everywhere. This is the view ...