Monday, October 04, 2010

recovering from the weekend... was busy, and not in a crafty way.

It was Extra Dump Weekend for the city, which meant we could get rid a bunch of stuff that didn't (or couldn't) go into our regular trash pick up. We managed to accumulated several old mops, some plastic litter containers,  and a bunch of things that weren't good enough to donate anywhere and couldn't be recycled.

In the course of trying to clean up the loft for my brother, I went through the books that live up there. I culled out 4 banker's boxes of books. AND I logged them into GoodReads as I went. Yay!

The Husband pointed out that we could just put my brother in The Daughter's room, so I didn't get much further with the loft clean up. But it really felt good to go through the books. I still have far too many, but at least it's a start.

I set up the Daughter's room—made the bed, dusted, and cleaned the floor.

I cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, and mopped and vacuumed the floors. I'm pretty happy with the way things look right now. At some point, I need to get down on my hands and knees to scrape some areas where the floor cleaner has accumulated on the tile. You'd think that if it can clean up the dirt, it would also clean up its own dregs...

So I spent most of the weekend cleaning or organizing books. I did manage to do a little stitching, but not much! Going to work today was almost a relief!

Tonight, I'm skipping Craft Night to spend time with my brother. We're going to try out our new pizza stone and use up some of our 50 million tomatoes.

Oh, and look what arrived Rocking Sock Club September installment! Picture behind the spoiler...

Not my color, but it would make some great socks for the Husband, that is, if I could get him to wear hand-knitted socks! If not, it is destined for the loom. It would make a nice warp.

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...I love this time of the year! The path in our backyard has filled out and there are flowers blooming everywhere. This is the view ...