Friday, December 17, 2010

Eye Candy Friday, Christmas edition...

...not much else is happening around home except a little decorating. I've been too tired after work to get any more baking done, so it will be another long weekend in the kitchen. Since there are no cookies or projects to show that you haven't already seen, here are some Christmas ornament pictures.

Christmas has always been Big Deal to me and, contrary to what you might think, I do enjoy decorating the house for Christmas. When I moved away for college in 1968, I knew I wanted to have a Christmas tree in my dorm room even though I'd have to take it down when we left on break. Since I didn't have any of my own ornaments yet, I bought the standard colored glass ball ornaments and a string of lights from the drug store. In one of the shops near San Jose State (read: head shop), I found 4 clay ornaments that I loved. They look Indian in origin and are decorated with beads and pieces of mirror. I've put them on every Christmas tree since.

Here's the round one:

Round clay and bead ornament

and the disk-shaped one:

Clay and bead disk ornament

The others are a ring and cube, but they are too high up on the tree right now for me to get a good picture.

As many children do, The Daughter made a few ornaments for our tree when she was elementary school age. These two ornaments, plus the traditional clothespin reindeer ornament also go on our tree every year:


Angel ornament


Reindeer ornament

I'm still trying to finish decorating the tree, but it may take a while. I reorganized some of the decoration storage last year and haven't located some of the small ornaments I like to put towards the top of the tree. I know they'll surface at some point, it might just take a while!

Up this weekend: I have designated Saturday as Biscotti Day, that is, after I bake the sugar cookies. Sunday will be mostly decorating the sugar cookies, making candy (chocolate bark and truffles), and putting chocolate on the biscotti. In between, more tree decorating and some chores. The goal is to get as much done as I can this weekend because the goodie bags for work must be delivered on Tuesday. I'm on vacation starting Wednesday.

It's going to be a long weekend!

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Eye Candy Everyday...

 ...because I forgot on Friday. (Oops!) Our Marc Chagall rose doesn't know that it's January.