Friday, December 31, 2010

last Eye Candy Friday of 2010...

...I have been taking a short vacation from the blog, simply because I was vegging out and not doing much of anything. I did want to share pictures of special Christmas presents I received from my friend, Jane.

Here's the first gift... a cat puzzle box:

Cat Puzzle box

And when I opened it, I found a note and a piece of jade that she had found at Willow Creek (Highway 1, California coast) when she was a kid.

Inside the Cat Puzzle box

I lived on the coast during my high school years and always admired the jade that people found. I never managed to find any myself—having one of Jane's pieces makes it doubly special.

She also gave me a teleidoscope. I've always loved kaleidoscope-type things, so having one of my own is very cool.


My challenge to myself is to figure out how to get a decent picture of the teleidoscope image. Here is an early, very low-tech attempt:

Teleidoscope image

Needless to say, I am thrilled with my two gifts. Thanks, Jane! (I hope you like yours!)

During this last week, I packaged and mailed 9 boxes of goodies to family and friends. I started deconstructing Bakery Central (removing the extra folding tables, washing 15 cookie sheets, 10 cooling racks, etc). I'm not done yet, but at least I can move around in my kitchen now.

I spent some time yesterday working on the teal quilt that I have been ignoring for several weeks. I finally decided that one of the fabrics simply wasn't working, so I ripped it out and replaced it with one I liked better. Now I'm rearranging the blocks until I find a layout I like.

I also found a set of Christmas quilt blocks that are ready for layout and the pieces for another Christmas quilt. Guess I better cycle these into the rotation!

I have done absolutely no knitting, weaving, or needlepoint the last two weeks. My hands seriously needed the rest after cookie madness, so I ignored all of my non-sewing WIPs.

Up this weekend: tonight a little bubbly, some munchies, and (I hope) toasting the New Year. Tomorrow, is house cleaning because my Seattle brother is coming for a visit on Sunday. I've already stripped the extra bed and between the Husband and I, the bedding is getting washed and ready for my brother.

I think I'll survey the WIPs and see which one should get the most attention in the next couple of weeks. It would be nice to finish something, anything...

Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

I'm SO happy you like your gifts!! I KNOW whatever you've sent me I will totally've never missed yet in sending "just the right thing"...I am anxiously awaiting your pkg...expect it might get her Monday?? contest this year??

Eye Candy Everyday...

 ...because I forgot on Friday. (Oops!) Our Marc Chagall rose doesn't know that it's January.