Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WIP-it Wednesday, and a little catching up...

...yeah, I never did a weekend report and a few other things got put on hold. If you read my last two posts, you know why.

One of my goals was to sew the Knit2 bag for my Blogiversary winner. I'm happy to say that I finished that:

Blogiversary prize is done

(We won't talk about my panic trips to Walgreens and CVS, trying to find the right shoelace length to use for this bag...36-inch white, round laces if you're interested.) Now I just need to find a box that won't crush it so I can mail it out.

Another thing was to make the little "extras" for the other prize winners. I finished those, too!

Blogiversary prizes, stitch markers

I made sets of stitch markers for 4 of the winners. Since I see Loretta at the gym, I delivered hers in person. For Jane, who doesn't knit a lot, I'm letting her decide whether she wants the markers or something else. For the other 3 winners, I'm worried about the crush-issue...we all know how careful the post office can be sometimes!  LOL!  I may just find a small box to send them in.

At any rate, I did stop buy the post office this morning to scope out what they had (not much). I may have to go to a UPS store and figure out what will work.

Never fear, contest winners...I'm working on getting this to you as soon as I can!

Another thing I wanted to work on was my teal quilt. I managed to finish sewing the top together and now need to decide on a backing fabric. Here is a very poor picture of my "Tealing Groovy" quilt:

Quick look at Tealing Groovy quilt

It was a productive weekend, mostly because I was trying to keep my mind occupied.  I even did a little weaving!

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

You "KNOW" what I want as my prize!! rushes on "it"

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...I love this time of the year! The path in our backyard has filled out and there are flowers blooming everywhere. This is the view ...