Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Tour de Fleece, days 1-3...

...that's pretty much all I worked on this weekend. It was too hot to knit and way too hot to wrestle a quilt, although I did manage to out in a couple of hours last night.

Here's what I did for Tour de Fleece.

  • Day 1, 7/2
    I spun all 4 ounces of Spring Lake Lagoon, a SW Merino-Tencel from Royale Hare.

    Spring Lake Lagoon, singles

  • Day 2, 7/3
    Navajo-plied Spring Lake Lagoon (139.5 yds, 11 WPI)

    Spring Lake Lagoon yarn

    and the close-up

    Spring Lake Lagoon yarn, close up

    I also started Mountain Meadow, a Merino-Alpaca blend from Wolf Creek Wools

    Mountain Meadow, bobbin #1

  • Day 3, 7/4
    Finished spinning Mountain Meadow. It's ready to ply.

    Mountain Meadow singles
Lately, I've been spinning Merino-Tencel, Merino-Bamboo, or Merino-Silk blends. The Merino-Alpaca blend was a nice change and I wish I had more of this to spin. In looking at my Tour de Fleece fiber, Mountain Meadow is the only one that is not blended with tencel, bamboo, or silk. I might have add "ocean" to my target of spinning fiber with forest, meadow and lake names if I want to spin something that doesn't have tencel, bamboo, or silk in it.

We had a quiet weekend. he Husband was busy getting the garden ready for me to handle while he's on vacation (his annual trip to Seattle for the Seattle-to-Portland ride). He's trying to get most of the plant on automatic drip irrigation so I don't have to water too many things individually. That's a good thing because I have a black thumb...I kill pretty much any plant that needs lots of care.

Never did get around to posting a recap over the weekend, so I'll posted that up soon.


Elf said...

As usual I just love those colors! I should know but don't--do you dye your own wool also?

marie said...

Not yet! LOL! I've been thinking about trying it out, but just haven't had the time.

Catching Up on Thursday...

 ...totally spaced on posting yesterday.   I've been involved in reorganizing my fabric. The cats decided it's fun to pull my ...