Friday, August 26, 2011

Eye Candy Friday, and not a moment too soon...

...most of my week has been plagued by a massive sinus-TMJ-eye headache.

When it got into day 3 and the extra-strength Excedrine was not even touching it, I went back to an old stand-by: cold diet Pepsi. I've been trying to kick my diet Pepsi habit, but sometimes I need that combination of sweet (or faux-sweet as the case maybe), syrupy and  bubbles to really cut through the headache. Why it works, I have no idea. But it worked and I woke up this morning without my head splitting. Hooray!

Today's Eye Candy Friday is a combination of veggies and flowers. The Husband is growing a wide variety of peppers. This Spanish Spice Pepper is one of the biggest peppers I've ever seen. It's on a dinner plate, with a quarter used for scale.

Spanish Spice Pepper

This is an Anna Russian tomato sliced open. It is a very meaty and sweet tomato, perfect for salads. I think it would make some nice dried tomato slices, too.

Inside an Anna Russian tomato

This purple blossom is from an eggplant bush:

Purple flower from below

The Dahlias continue to bloom.

Yellow and Pink Dahlia

New to the garden this week is this purple fan flower. Love the shape on these little flowers!

Purple Fan Flower

Up this weekend: I need to finish the Westknits KAL shawl. The pictures need to be posted on 9/1 and I haven't  finished clue 3 yet, much less clue #4! I also want to spin some more of the Bollywood samples. I should probably work on my weaving since I can't weave a Bollywood scarf until I finish the shawl that's on the loom. Guess I'll be busy this weekend!


Elf said...

caffeine in diet coke often knocks a headache out when tylenol or ibuprofen won't. one of those miracle drugs that, for some people, causes headaches, go figure.

marie said...

I don't take Tylenol or ibuprophen for headaches because they are like taking nothing for me. I go right for the extra-strength Excedrine every time. When the Execedrine-level of caffeine doesn't work, then I hit the diet Pepsi!

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...I love this time of the year! The path in our backyard has filled out and there are flowers blooming everywhere. This is the view ...