Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WIP-it Wednesday, Christmas style...

...I have a feeling Christmas will be a WIP until at least the 21st.  That's my last day at work for the year.  I'm just too tired at night to do much other than eat dinner and nod off in middle of my knitting or stitching.

Remember Mr. Christmas Tree who we put in a time-out a week ago? He finally redeemed himself and is now standing much straighter (just not perfectly straight) in his stand. We put the lights on and that's as far as we've gotten. He looks nice with the lights:

My week has been so scattered between client projects and HR (can you say open enrollment?) that I couldn't post a weekend report until now. Here's what I accomplished:
  • 6 double batches of biscotti (Espresso, chocolate, Grand Marnier, coconut, and peppermint)
  • 8 kinds of cookies (spumoni slices, chocolate-coffee slices, cut-out sugar cookies, Mexican wedding cookies, pistachio pinwheels, cranberry-coconut, cherry kisses, and spritz)
Still to do some gingerbread cookies, another batch of biscotti, the chocolate bark, the truffles, and two kinds of nuts, one sweet and one savory.  Oh, and frost the sugar and gingerbread cookies and put chocolate on the biscotti. Ok, maybe I should try an make a batch of nuts tonight...

The last installment of the Rockin' Sock Club arrived on Monday. The yarn is a very festive color and the patterns are interesting.  The "extra" is cute, but I don't know what I'd use it for. At any rate,  none of them are crying out "use me," so I think I'll just stash them.  Picture behind the spoiler:

BMFA: We Will SOCK You

I'm seriously considering not enrolling in the Rockin' Sock Club next year, mostly because very few of this year's yarn or patterns really grabbed me. I did sign up for Cookie A's club and I renewed my fiber club with A Verb for Keeping Warm, so the additional cost is also a factor.

My secret Christmas project is progressing. I think I finally have a handle on it. Now if I could only find an additional 3 or 4 hours in the day...

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...and things are blooming everywhere. Our front yard looks great: In the backyard, we have new petunias. Purple Night Sky: ...