Thursday, January 05, 2012

It's my 6th Blogiversary (can you say, contest?), it's been six years.

In the last year there have been a few changes, some personal (nothing earth-shattering), some work (lots more responsibility), and some craft-related.  While I won't get into the personal stuff (because it is, after all, personal), here are the changes that affect how and when I blog:
  1. More work responsibilities mean that I find myself at the end of the day with no blog post and still a lot of work to do. My MWF posts sometimes turn into TuWF or even ThF. I used to fit my blog posts into the cracks while I was waiting for document builds, but now HR takes any available time. (I'm purposely taking time out right now so I can this this post up today.)
  2. My craft attention is cycling back to my roots: I completed 3 needlepoint projects in 2011. Stitchery is the hobby that started it all and counted canvas work is my current favorite. And I hear the next cross stitch mermaid calling my name.

    What this means to the blog is that it's a lot less about knitting and spinning than in previous years. It doesn't mean that I love these any less than before, it just means that my craft-time is divided into a few more slices.
While I never was much on hand-written journals, I find my online blog serves the same purpose. It is a useful gauge of my interests and energy-level. And I like being able to go back and search for information about things I've worked on.

Thanks for hanging in there with me!

Now, how about a little Contest?

Leave a comment on this post by Midnight PST, Wednesday 1/18/12.

(No, multiple comments will not give you multiple entries!)

I'll do the random number thing and post the winner on Friday, 1/20/12.

The prize:

Autumn Ecstasy yarn

Two (2) skeins of Juniper yarn by Alchemy Yarns of Transformation in Autumn Ecstasy. This was a club color for the Loopy Ewe Sock Club. It is SW Merino, fingering weight.

That's the contest. Good luck!!


LaurenS (Rav) said...

Congrats on your 6th Blogiversary!

spinnity said...

Wow, six years of regular posting is dedication! I hope I win your prize, because those colors are *perfect* for me! Keep on truckin', Marie!

Bogie said...

Congratulations on your 6th Anniversary! Best wishes for many (many) more posts. (Gee, I wonder how old my blog is?)

Amanda M. said...

LOVE YOU!!! Congrats on the 6 years :)


Julie Eitel said...

You are inspiring my to dig out the projects and finish them! The good news is that most of the projects we bought over the years I still want to do! I have never "blogged" but am so impressed that you do. Hope to see you this year!!

Mango said...

I'm still amazed at all your FO's from last year plus keeping up with the blog! Congrats on 6 years and thanks for providing inspiration for your fellow craft friends :D

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...and things are blooming everywhere. Our front yard looks great: In the backyard, we have new petunias. Purple Night Sky: ...