Friday, February 17, 2012

it's been a long week...

...thank goodness for Eye Candy Friday! 

This sunrise this morning was glowing:

Sunrise 2/17/2012

The plants and trees definitely has spring in mind. The apricot trees are blossoming:

Blenheim apricot blossoms

The tulips are emerging:
Yellow and red tulip

Here's another:

Yellow tulip

and the nectarine tree is starting to set buds:

Double Delight nectarine flower buds

Work has settled down to it's normal level of busy. (Yay!)  The first 3 days of the week were insane...I'm still waiting for  final piece to be processed so I can verify it, but that is small compared to what I did the rest of the week.

Up this weekend: It's a 3-day weekend!! We have Spin-In tomorrow, a great way to start the weekend. I need to give my wheel a little tune-up in the morning and make some sort of goodie to take.

I only work 2 days next week, because I'm taking Thursday and Friday off for Stitches West!  I want to spend some time this weekend going through the vendor list and marking up my map. I need to do some stash diving to find yarn suitable for the weaving class that my friend Loretta and I are taking on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to spending time communing with knitters, spinners, and weavers.

Speaking of knitting, look what arrived in the middle of work madness this week...the first installment of the Cookie A Sock Club. (Picture behind the spoiler.)

Cookie A Sock Club Badge

The color is one of my favorites. The sock patterns look interesting and challenging, and the cookie recipes look yummy! (and you know that I love a good cookie recipe!) 

Really looking forward to this long weekend...

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...and things are blooming everywhere. Our front yard looks great: In the backyard, we have new petunias. Purple Night Sky: ...