Friday, March 02, 2012

Eye Candy Friday, first one in March...

...after a couple of rainy days, it looks like it will be a nice weekend. That should encourage more things to bloom in the garden! Here are a few things that I saw this morning.

An apricot blossom that fell into the grass:

Apricot blossom in the grass

 very fine spider webs in the sea lavender:

Spider web in the sea lavender

and Linaria reticulata, "Crown Jewels":

Linaria - Crown Jewels

Up this weekend: A lot of chores. I completely ignored my house during Stitches West and it needs some attention. Some of my Stitches West treasures are still in the living room and need to find homes.

My main craft goal is to finish the Nefertem Shawl. I started working on the crochet (ick) bind-off last night and am finding it very fiddly. The d@mn hook keeps falling out of the loop or catching on places it shouldn't. I think I'm going to go up a size because the stitches seem to be a bit tight. Could it be because my tension is a bit tight from the stress of it?? Right...there's a reason I don;t crochet and this bind off reminded me.

The other thing I'd like to do is finish the class project from the Color and Weave class.

Color and Weave Class Project

I want to redo the seaming to do a better job at matching the patterns and then finish off the top edges. I'm not sure what I'll use the bag for, but at least it will be done!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...and things are blooming everywhere. Our front yard looks great: In the backyard, we have new petunias. Purple Night Sky: ...