Friday, August 28, 2015

Last Eye Candy Friday for August...


The only good part about August being almost over is that we are getting closer to winter. I hope we get enough rain this year, because things are looking pretty sad around here.  Fortunately, we have some plants in the garden that don't care if they get lots of water or are so confused they are blooming anyway.

The succulents don't care one way or the other. This Aeonium Schwarzkopf plant is doing quite well:

Schwarzkopf Black Rose

The figs have decided to set a nice crop this time. We've harvested about 20 so far, 17 more than last time:


The strawberries are really confused and are setting blossoms an fruit for like the third time this season:

Strawberry blossoms

And the tomatoes are still going strong:

Tomato blossoms

Up this weekend: Mostly quilting, with a side of chores.

I need to replace the quilt border that's too light and finish the straight quilting. Then I need to decide how to quilt the wider border. I have an idea, but I need to chalk it out on the fabric to see whether it will work. At least with chalk, I can brush it out if it's not going to work.

For Stealth Project #2, I need to make a couple of decisions about the finish work. Again, I have some ideas here and my final decision will be based on the amount of time it will take to do it.

In the cracks, I'll work on the chores, like running the vacuum monster and finding my kitchen floor. I also want to finish the current cross stitch piece. That's a stretch goal, and might not be realistic given the other things I need to do.

We'll see how it goes!

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April 2024 Recap...

 ...a little of this, a little of that. Finished: 4/1 Dreaming Cleo (cross stitch) 4/3 Pearl Orchid mini (cross stitch) 4/17 ...