Monday, January 04, 2016

Hello 2016...

...a little late for a first post of the year and I totally missed the first Eye Candy Friday. Obviously, I'm still not in the swing of things. Now that I'm back to work, there's a small chance that things will get back to normal!

To make up for missing Eye Candy Friday, here is a photo of the Australian finger limes that we are growing on the back yard:

Australian Finger Limes, another view

The inside of the limes have caviar-like vesicles:

Australian Finger Lime juice vesicles

If you put them in carbonated water, they look really cool floating up and down.

The holidays were busy and I really had trouble getting motivated after Christmas. I never did get my Christmas letter written, much less mail out any Christmas cards. Maybe I'll get some New year cards out...

I hope to post the December recap, followed by the 2015 year-end recap some time this week, depending on how much I need to catch up on from being out 2 weeks.

And tomorrow is my Blogiversary! I started blogging in 2006...10 years ago! Can you believe it? So I'm trying to decide whether to run a Blogiversary contest or not. I'll let you know tomorrow if I do.


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Eye Candy Everyday...

 ...because I forgot on Friday. (Oops!) Our Marc Chagall rose doesn't know that it's January.