Friday, February 05, 2016

Eye Candy Friday and F.O. Friday...

...obviously, I have not gotten back into the swing of regular posting. Maybe next week!

Today, I have baby strawberries:


Some lavender:


Flowering plum blossoms:

Flowering plum blossoms

Over a year ago, the Husband pulled out an old rosemary bush that we had in the font yard. It had gone woody and was not in good shape. It looks like it's decided to come back! It is setting a few flowers:

Rosemary flowers

I also have a couple of finished objects that I have not shown in the blog. This is Calypso  [Ravelry]:

Calypso handspun

and the close-up:

Calypso handspun, close up

Started 9/19/2015;
Finished 1/3/2016
Yak-Silk (4 oz.) from Greenwood Fiberworks
Yardage and WPI to follow (the yarn's at home; I'm at work)

This is Sandpiper [Ravelry]:

Sandpiper handspun

and the close-up:

Sandpiper handspun, close up

Started 1/9/2016;
Finished 1/23/2016;
Sparkle top (Merino-Stellino, 4oz) from Greenwood Fiberworks;
223.3 yds.; WPI TBD

Up this weekend: I need to take a serious look at the Stitches West vendors and prepare my shopping map. Like last year, I don't have specific projects in mind, other than it would be nice to buy some weaving yarns. Lord know, I really don't need anymore yarn, but it's always fun to look!

Since this last week has been busy, both at work and in my personal life, I'm looking forward to having some down time.

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Eye Candy Friday... and run. This morning's sunrise was wonderful: Our cape mallow seems to be happy in the backyard: