Saturday, May 27, 2017

Eye Candy...

...on a Saturday. After  processing the photos and uploading them to Flickr, Facebook, and Instagram, I forgot about the blog. Oops!

The yard continues to bloom. The bee blossom bush has delicate pink flowers:

Pink bee blossom

The clematis is going strong:


We have some beautiful snapdragons:

Pink snapdragons

Even the cilantro is blooming:

Cilantro flowers

New to the garden this year are salpiglossis flowers:


Up this 3-day weekend: A little spinning, a little quilting, a little stitching, and who knows what else!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...short and sweet. I went down a rabbit hole on Wednesday, compiling tax information. It took a couple of days, so I didn't post...