Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday...

...and the weekend report.
  1. For an early Mother's Day, the Daughter took us to lunch at one of the restaurants in the Stanford Shopping Center on Saturday. Afterwards, we walked over to the eucalyptus grove on the Stanford campus to check out the Stanford Pow Wow.  The dancing competitions were in progress when we got there, so there were a lot of people in their native dress.

    There were lots of jewelry artists with some beautiful silver and turquoise pieces. The one artist we wanted to see was the one who made the Husband's ring. However, the artist did not attend so I guess we'll have to go back to New Mexico to get my ring!

    There were also couple of rug artists, one of whom brought his loom. It was very interesting to see how the loom was set up and the type of yarn he used for warp. He used all wool for the weft, some of it handspun. I wish I felt confident in using my handspun to make a rug!
  2. The rest of Saturday was spent doing laundry and some other chores. In particular, I needed to clear the area where the cable TV set-top box sits in my studio. We scheduled Comcast to come in today to upgrade our cable TV and internet, plus switch our phone to Comcast and add some security. Overall, it's a lot more services, but we're reducing our costs by $50 per month. I've been wanting to get rid of AT&T for our landline for a long time.
  3. I managed to get the borders cut for the All That Glitters quilt. I'd really love to get the top finished on this so I can start another quilt.
  4. The quilt I want to start is an attic windows quilt for myself. I've been collecting novelty fabrics of things that relate to some part of my life. For example, I have some fabric with Hereford cows on it. This represents the Hereford cattle ranch where we lived when my father was the foreman of the ranch. The quilt has been percolating in my brain for several years and it's time to let it out.
  5. While I was putting things away in the studio, I found where I carefully (!) stored some small cross stitch projects that I wanted to do. HA! I'm hoping to put at least one of them in rotation.
  6. I worked a little on the Charred Teal Shawl [Ravelry]. I did not touch the weaving or needlepoint. Maybe next weekend!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...short and sweet. I went down a rabbit hole on Wednesday, compiling tax information. It took a couple of days, so I didn't post...