Friday, June 30, 2017

Eye Candy Friday...

...leading up to a long weekend! Hurray!

I only have one thing for eye candy this week. These care canna lilies that are blooming in the back yard:

Canna Lilies

I'm hoping to get some photos of tomatoes, but either the squirrels or the rats are getting them before we do. They've already eaten all of our apricots. Boo!

Up this weekend: Tour de Fleece starts tomorrow! I've joined Team Spin-Off for this tour and look forward to meeting new spinners through this group.

I am spinning all Yarn Wench fiber, hoping to make a dent in the stash. I have 159 unspun items tagged as Yarn Wench in my database. I need to make a serious effort to reduce this number! When I was only buying Yarn Wench fiber, the number didn't seem to bad, but there are so many cool fibers from other vendors.

The most I've ever done for Tour de Fleece was in 2013 when I spun 16 art yarns. In the last 3 years I've managed to spin 9 yarns, mostly chain-plied. I'll try to increase my volume this year. 

Anyway, I'll be spinning for almost the entire month of July. When my knees need a rest, I'll work on some of my other projects. We'll see how much I get done in 4.5 days!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...short and sweet. I went down a rabbit hole on Wednesday, compiling tax information. It took a couple of days, so I didn't post...