Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Tour de Fleece report...

...I've been busy!

Before the tour started, I plied the Rivendell singles [Ravelry]:

Rivendell handspun

and the close-up
Rivendell handspun, close up

Started 6/11/17
Finished 6/30/17
Glitter roving from Greenwood Fiberworks
188.0 yards two-ply; est WPI 11

Tour de Fleece, Day 1:

I plied the Robin's Egg singles [Ravelry] that I finished in June:

Robin's Egg handspun

and the close-up:

Robin's Egg handspun, close up

Started 6/4/17
Finished 7/1/17
Camel-silk (4.0 oz) from Greenwood Fiberworks
204.7 yards chain-ply; est WPI 14

I also started spinning Kilkenny, a merino-silk from the Yarn Wench.

Tour de Fleece, Day 2:

I finished spinning the Kilkenny singles [Ravelry]:

Kilkenny singles

Tour de Fleece, Day 3:

I spun Grape Fizz [Ravelry], a bulky single plied with rayon thread:

Grape Fizz handspun

and the close-up:

Grape Fizz handspun, close up
Started and finished 7/3/17
Merino-Silk (3.9 oz) from the Yarn Wench
122.8 yds., bulky, 2-ply
Plied with variegated rayon thread

When my knees started bugging me from all of the spinning, I switched over to work on the mermaid or on my quilt.

I kept myself entertained with the Game of Thrones marathon. I loved seeing it all over again!

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Eye Candy Friday...

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