Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday...

...and a Ravellenic Games update.

I started a hat (Ravellenic Hat on Ravelry) while watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. I finished the ribbing and started working on the body of the hat. This is my go-to project while watching the various events.

On Friday, I finished spinning the singles for Denali [Ravelry] - my entry in WIPs Dancing. I let it sit overnight before plying it on Saturday.

Denali handspun

and the close-up:

Denali handspun, close up

Started 12/29/2017
Finished 2/10/2018
Alpaca-Silk (4 oz.) from Greenwood Fiberworks
186.1 yds. chain-ply, 13 WPI

While I think the best thing for my stash would be to spin a Phat Fiber box next, I might see if I can do an art yarn first. I still have a couple of Yarn Wench batts that I haven't spun. They are perfect for art yarn.

The beading on the mermaid is progressing. I am slowly working my way up from the bottom. One side benefit of the beading is that I see where I missed a stitch or two and can fix the mistake before moving on to the next bead.

I broke out the Bead Butler that I bought many moons ago from Black Swan Designs. It is the best thing to hold multiple colors of beads when working on a project like the mermaid. It is essentially a flat, clear plastic box with foam lining both the inside top and bottom; one side has 6 shallow wells that hold a layer of beads. When I'm done beading, I simply close the box with the beads inside. It snaps shut, but I usually use a rubber band or hair band around it to keep it secure when not in use. It works for me!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...and things are blooming everywhere. Our front yard looks great: In the backyard, we have new petunias. Purple Night Sky: ...