Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday...

...and the weekend report.

One of the things on my to-do list was to sign up for a new gym. I don't think I've mentioned that my gym is closing at the end of the month. It's a bummer, because it's close to home and I really love the classes. Plus it's 99% women, so it's a comfortable environment.

Our yoga teacher has found a space so she can continue our twice-a-week sessions. As for the rest, I joined 24-hour Fitness because I get a complimentary membership through my Kaiser Medicare Advantage plan. (Yes, I'm that old...)

There are several gym friends who are going to different places and I'll miss seeing them on a regular basis.

When I got home on Friday, the Husband wasn't feeling 100%. As the weekend progressed, he developed a horrible cold - coughing, sneezing, fever - and felt miserable the whole time. He was coughing so bad all Sunday night that he kept me awake.

I immediately started pumping Wellness Formula and vitamin C. The last thing I want it to be sick for Stitches West!

So far, I 'm mostly OK. I have a sore throat and this morning I opted out of yoga class because I had a headache from congestion - downward dog would not have been fun. It's cleared up some now, but I'm still feeling a bit off. Keeping my fingers crossed that this is as bad as it gets.

For Spin In on Saturday,  I baked some oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies. I decided to take my spindle project to work on. It's been a while since I haven't had to wrangle my wheel to Spin-In and it was a nice change.

Speaking of Stitches West, I picked out the yarn and needles for my class. I had the right kind of yarn in my stash so I didn't need to buy any. Yay!

I located my badge holder and picked the bag I want to use for market on Thursday. The only thing left to do is find the small water bottle I like to use for classes.

I worked on the beading for the mermaid. I ran into a small issue with the white Mill Hill antique glass beads (#03021). They take up more room than the glass seed beads. It's a problem when they are stitched in columns - they use up more vertical space than the pattern specifies. I had to make some modification the the line of bubbles that arcs underneath her tail. It looks fine, so I'm not going to worry about it too much. One thing I notices about these white beads is that many are misshapen. Maybe I got a bad package.

I'm continuing to work on my hat for Ravellenics. I'm close to the end of the hat body and will be able to start the decreases soon.

I was feeling that I hadn't done enough for Ravellenics, so I decided to spin an art yarn yesterday. It's one of my Yarn Wench batts. I opted to autoply it with some purple rayon thread. I have named it Peacock Shades because it is teal with purple [Ravelry]. No photos yet.

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Catching Up on Thursday...

 ...totally spaced on posting yesterday.   I've been involved in reorganizing my fabric. The cats decided it's fun to pull my ...