Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday...

...and we're recovering a little from last week.

I'm still looking for Tica when I get home and then remember that she's gone. We've carefully put away the extra food bowls and got rid of the second cat box. Sombra doesn't seem to notice, but it's hard to really know if she notices that there is something different. Tica had distanced herself from Sombra in the last few weeks -- she didn't sleep with us any more and picked a new favorite sleeping spot far away from daily activities. Sigh. We miss her little cat face.

I took Friday off to drive to my mom's in Santa Maria. I had to renew my drivers license and I could not get an appointment locally before it would expire (right after Labor Day). I called on August 1st - the earliest appointment was 9/21! I got an appointment in Santa Maria on 8/24. My mom was happy for the visit and I was happy to get my license - REAL ID version - renewed.

My DMV appointment was at 11:40 in the morning and took about an hour. That left me with the rest of the day to visit mom and my brother. My brother asked me to take photos of his farm, so we spent a couple of hours there. We went to the Elks Lodge for dinner, where my sister met us. It was so great to have us all together for a meal!

On Saturday, mom and I went to my sister's house to play with my great-nephew who, along with his parents, is staying with sis and her husband. We caught up on family gossip and just enjoyed being with each other, I took many photos of the great-nephew, some of which actually turned out. He's 18 months old and is always on the move! As soon as I process the photos, I'll upload one here.

While I was at mom's, I showed her my 23andme and ancestry.com DNA results. Her education stopped at the 4th grade, so I tried to explain genetics in the simplest terms. I think she understands some of the principles now, but it was all new to her. Anyway, she agreed to do both DNA tests, so I gathered the samples before I left on Sunday morning.

I got home early Sunday afternoon. While I ran a load of clothes, I managed to get some weaving done. Thankfully, The Husband cooked dinner, because I was running out of steam by then!

I hope that this week goes more smoothly than the last couple of weeks have. I'm ready for a little normal.

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...blog and run. Visiting mom's and her roses are blooming.