Wednesday, August 01, 2018

WIP-it Wednesday...

...and hello, August!

Now that Tour de Fleece is over, I can get back into a more normal craft-mode.

I have a few things that need to get back into rotation so I can finish them and move on to something else. One of them is the St. Charles needlepoint project. Here's what it looks like right now:

St. Charles needlepoint, as of 7/31/18

I am working on a long stitch section in the interior (the V-shaped, light blue section in the bottom quarter of the piece). I need to stitch the other 3 quarters before I can move on to the next step. The stitches are fairly straight-forward, it's just a pain to have to turn the piece each time I finish a quarter. The alternative is to stitch the complete quarter before turning the piece. That method makes it difficult to tell where I am when I have to come back to the piece after a rest (read: when I got bored with it and put it away for several weeks).

Anyway, I want to finish it so I can move on to a potential State Fair needlepoint project. It's just an idea at this point.

I also want to resurrect and complete the weaving projects that are currently on my looms.

WIPs Roll Call

Worked On:

  • Attic Windows quilt for me (quilting)
    Still working on the appliqué pop-outs for the squares.
  • Charred Teal Shawl (knitting) [Ravelry]
    Working on contrast color #4.
  • Renaissance Mermaid (cross stitch)
    Kitted and ready to start
Works In Progress, Did Not Work On This Week:
  1. 4-shaft sampler (weaving) [Ravelry]
  2. Finishing work (Shepherd's Bush Christmas ornament.)
  3. Mother of Dragons shawl (knitting) [Ravelry]
  4. Rosewood Wrap (weaving) [Ravelry]
  5. St. Charles (needlepoint) 
  6. Valley of the Heart's Delight sampler design (cross stitch)
  1. Be My Baby for My Baby (knitting) [Ravelry]
  2. Bear Paw pottery (needlepoint)
  3. Canto de Sirena shawl (knitting) [Ravelry]
  4. Peacock Majesty by Just Nan (cross stitch)
  5. Tucson Twilight (needlepoint)

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Eye Candy Friday... and run. Visiting mom's and her roses are blooming.