Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday...

...such as it is.

Maybe it's the time change; maybe it's just fatigue. I could not get any traction on any project this weekend.
  • I looked at the quilt squares, but could not get motivated to do any rearranging.
  • I gave the St. Charles needlepoint a passing glance, but did not pick it up.
  • The same goes for the mermaid - could not get motivated to start her.
  • I picked up the bag containing the latest hat and put it down.
  • I really intended to start winding the warp for the new twill project. I got as far as figuring out how long I needed the warp to be and the path I needed to take on the warping board to achieve that length. Then I got stuck.

    I realized that my current vision of the project would not be wide enough for me. In the loom it would be 16 inches; after weaving it would be less than that. I wanted something closer to 20 inches after weaving. Hmmm...back to the drawing board, or in this case, iWeaveIt.

    Ran into another stumbling block there. While having the pattern on the iPad is great for envisioning what it will look like and having it available while weaving, there are some limitations to working with a wide project. I particularly don't like how copy works on the threading portion of the project. Trying to select a large portion of the threading to copy is a PITA. I need to find a better way to do things. Back to the User Guide to see what I can and can't do.
  • I did manage to get a few rows knitted on the Charred Teal Shawl [Ravelry], but that was all I did craft-wise.
  • To make me feel like I actually accomplished something, I did a little shopping for the spare bedroom. With colder weather starting, it needed a new electric blanket and a new bedspread.  The Husband had already bought new pillows for it. I also wanted to get new blackout panels for the master bedroom. So, a quick trip to Target to get everything ans, surprise! They were having a weekend home sale - everything was 25% off! Score!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...blog and run. Visiting mom's and her roses are blooming.