Wednesday, December 12, 2018

WIP-it Wednesday... which most of the WIPs are not crafts.

My primary WIPs this month are baking and Christmas decorating. While the baking is on track, the decorating is sadly behind. I have hung the front door wreath, and hung up the advent calendars and stockings (and that's only because they were in the same box). Our Christmas tree is still sitting in a bucket outside. The Star Trek tree is still in its box.

The Husband and I are both a little Bah Humbug right now. It's been a tough year for us and I'd like to get back some "normal" by getting the house decorated, or at least partially decorated. We've set aside tonight to get the tree inside, which means rearranging the furniture first. From there, we'll bring out the boxes of decorations and get started on making it more Christmas-like.

WIPs Roll Call

Worked On:

  • Charred Teal Shawl (knitting) [Ravelry]
    Started the last color in section 4. When that's finished, the last thing is the picot bind-off.
In the Queue
  • Renaissance Mermaid (cross stitch)
  • Sand and Sea quilt for MIL (quilting)
    I received my order of the extra panel and extra fabric. I just need to find a sashing and border fabric.
  • Shimmering Advancing Point Twill Wrap (weaving)
Works In Progress, Did Not Work On This Week:
  1. Baroque Hat (knitting) [Ravelry
  2. Finishing work for some old crewel pictures (sewing) 
  3. Look Through My Window quilt for me (quilting)
  4. Mother of Dragons shawl (knitting) [Ravelry
  5. St. Charles (needlepoint)
  6. Valley of the Heart's Delight sampler design (cross stitch)
  1. Be My Baby for My Baby (knitting) [Ravelry]
  2. Bear Paw pottery (needlepoint)
  3. Canto de Sirena shawl (knitting) [Ravelry]
  4. Peacock Majesty by Just Nan (cross stitch)
  5. Tucson Twilight (needlepoint)

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Eye Candy Friday... and run. Visiting mom's and her roses are blooming.