Monday, July 15, 2024

Tour de Fleece 2024, 7/13 and 7/14...

 ...blogging is suffering from me having too many teams that want daily posts.

Tour de Fleece, 7/13:

I continued to spin Stanley [Ravelry]. I noticed that the color was off on the last photo. 

Stanley Handspun, as of 7/13/2024

I'm having a lot of color problems with my photos, mostly due to my new monitor on my Mac Mini. I have to figure out to set up the color properly. I've switched over to editing my photos on my laptop.

Tour de Fleece, 7/14:

I finished spinning the singles for Stanley [Ravelry]:

Stanley Handspun, singles

I had time left in the day, so I decided to try a technique that I haven't used in several years: coreless core spinning. After about an hour, I remembered why I don't use this method to spin art yarn: it's too fiddly. So far the yarn is too energized.  

This is Plumpine [Ravelry], a Falkland top from Yarn Wench.

Plumpine Handspun, as of 7/14/2024

I'll finish it off today and then start plying Stanley Handspun.

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