Friday, November 15, 2024

F.O. and Eye Candy Friday... least I finished one thing for sure this month!

I did a little spinning, not at my usual speed or with my usual attention, but at least it's done. This is Jellyfish [Ravelry]:

Jellyfish Handspun

and a close-up:

Jellyfish Handspun, close-up

Started 11/5/2024
Finished 11/14/2024
4.0 oz. Merino-Camel-Silk from Greenwood Fiberworks
237.5 yds. chain-ply, 14 WPI

The garden is winding down for the winter (although some of our roses are a little confused). Our garden path is looking less colorful:

November garden path

But, we still have marigolds:


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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...another week just whipped by. The garden is starting to get some color. The nasturtiums are popping up all over, as are the frees...