Wednesday, July 18, 2007

mid-week report...

...such as it is. No pictures in this post, because I haven't really started anything new.

I did finish spindle-spinning the Moonstone roving (finally!). I need to wind it all into one ball and then ply it. I'll use the Navajo-plying method because it will come out even that way—much easier for spindle-spun singles than trying to divide it two or three balls of roughly the same length. (If you want a reminder of what Moonstone looks like, go to this post.)

I've managed to spin every day of Tour de Fleece except for our designated day of rest on Monday. I thought it would be easy to spin some every day, but it's not. Thank goodness I had something on the spindle, because that's the only way I could squeeze in the spinning. There's just not enough time during the week to spin with Sirena!

I still haven't decided what I'll spin next. I do know it won't be in the same color range as Apricot Cinder or Mermaid. Maybe something blue or purple...

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WIP-it Wednesday...

...making progress. I completed sewing together the blocks for the Harding Cats quilt. I am considering adding a wider border in a lig...