Friday, September 21, 2007

almost-Autumn Eye Candy Friday

This morning's sky:

September Sky 9/21
It is much cooler in the mornings now and the sun is barely beginning to rise when I leave for the gym.

So last night was the 2-hour season finale of one of my favorite shows, Burn Notice. I decided that I would work on my Season of Love Lace socks during that two hours. And look, I made progress!

Summer of Love Lace sock progress
I am now working on the heel flaps for both socks. I'm not quite an inch into the flap and I need at least 2.25 inches before I can turn the heel. But,when you compare to where I was last Friday, I've done pretty well for me.

Up this weekend: We have an appointment with window contractor to get an estimate on replacing 4 sliding glass doors. While I really wanted to have the kitchen worked on, I think the windows are more important right now. Two of these doors are in the living room, which gets very cold in the winter. The other two are in the Daughter's room (AKA my office) and the sewing room. Replacing these 4 sliding doors will reduce our heating costs and make it more comfortable in be in the living room.

I'll be starting my pre-vacation house cleaning, too. We're going to visit the Daughter at the beginning of October and I want to make sure the house is in decent shape before we go--don't want the cat sitter coming into a mess (hope to find a cat sitter RSN).

I also need to do a little shopping for the know, sample size shampoo, toothpaste, and the like. Also need to get the suitcases out of storage...

In between, I'll work on my socks and do a little spinning. (Yes, and work on my secret projects, Jane! LOL!)

Happy Autumn!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...short and sweet. I went down a rabbit hole on Wednesday, compiling tax information. It took a couple of days, so I didn't post...