Friday, May 23, 2008

Sky Candy Friday, hazy days

...with the fire in Santa Cruz, the sky is hazy and all you can smell is smoke.

When I left for the gym at 6:30 this morning, we still had some blue skies:

Before the haze

By the time I left for work, there was nothing but smoky haze and the smell had gotten much worse. I'm glad that I don't have a bad allergy problem, but I feel for those who do. I'm going to try and stay out of it as much as I can.

I'm making progress on the second Iris sweater. I've just started color 4 of the 5 that this sweater needs. This sweater looks huge compared to the last one (12 months vs. 3 months sizes), but I like the colors. My left elbow has been bugging me for a while now--the cotton yarn seems to aggravate it. I'm now using Addi Turbos to knit this and I have some Knit Picks nickel-plated DPNs for the sleeves. They are quite a bit smoother than the previous needles I used, but it's still hard on my elbow.

Last night, my elbow had enough knitting, so I decided to break out my "new" spindle (I bought it at Stitches West in February, but haven't used it yet). I started spinning the Pigeonroof Studios Wensleydale fiber that Terry sent me in January. I didn't have a decent picture of the fiber at the time, so here you go:

Plumthorn top

This fiber is soft and yummy and is beautifully purple! I think it's very appropriate that I am using my purpleheart spindle (from Spindlewood) for it!

Up this weekend: sleep, knitting, spinning, and just enjoying being at home for 3 days! Have a good one!


Anonymous said...

And that was the most "purply fiber" I had recently bought - hope it spins nicely for you. (Again, thx for those delicious biscotti!) Hope the air starts to clear soon.

marie said...

I haven't spent a lot of tie on it yet, but so far it's spinning up very nicely! And, of course, its purpley (purplie?) goodness makes me happy! :-)

Catching Up on Thursday...

 ...totally spaced on posting yesterday.   I've been involved in reorganizing my fabric. The cats decided it's fun to pull my ...