Friday, January 29, 2010

Eye Candy Friday...

...where did January go? [sigh]

Since there has been little-to-no craft activity this week, you get sky and garden pictures. First up, this morning's clouds:

Morning clouds

Our garden is still in a dormant state, except for a few stray snapdragons, some weeds, and a few of these:

Romanesco Cauliflower

This is Romanesco cauliflower, a very interestingly-shaped vegetable. I want to get a shot when the light is a bit better because you can't quite see all of the weird knobby bits and the color variations. The leaves on this plant are also very interesting with their ruffled and sort-of purple edges.

Up this weekend: a collection of tasks. I need to get a package together to mail to the Daughter's BFF. I want to go to Purlescence Yarns'  Yarn Swap  tomorrow...I have some yarn I'd like to send to a good home.

I need to do some tidying up around the house and run my normal weekend errands. (I think the cats would be happy if I remembered to buy them some food...)

Craft-wise, I definitely want to finish plying Sonnet and Lute, and wash it and Simpatico. And I want to see if I can get closer to "done" on the Paint It Red quilt.  If I really get on a roll, I'll make Flower Power's quilt sandwich in preparation for finally finishing it (no picture yet).

I need to stash-dive to look for red fiber in preparation for Ravelympics 2010. I should be committed have committed to do three events for my team (go Team True Blood!). For the Flying Camel Spin, I am spinning as many red or red & black yarns as I can. For WIP-Dancing, I am finishing the Twinkletoes slippers (see this post). And for Labryrinth Weaving, I am weaving a wrap with some sort of lace pattern using one of my early handspun yarns.

Somewhere in there, I need to catch up with some sleep!

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

Well.......when you recap January, you MUST include ALL the awesome treasures that arrived in my "treasure trove box"....the time involved in that had to be beyond belief........each and every little thing was/is such a special treat to me.........and the CHOCOLATES.......yummmmm I had a lot of volunteers to help eat them.....only hubby and daughter got some!!! You made my recovery so much nicer......and my flowers are still beautiful and fresh!

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...I love this time of the year! The path in our backyard has filled out and there are flowers blooming everywhere. This is the view ...