Friday, January 14, 2011

Eye Candy Friday and a contest reminder...

...brought to you by the letters P, R, and S.

Paper white narcissus...

Paper White Narcissus, another view

...and another view
Paper White Narcissus

Raindrops on roses...
Rose with rain drops

...and another view.
Raindrops on roses

Sunrise 1/13/11

Up this weekend: I have a few Christmas stragglers to put away, a couple of errands to run, and a little housework. After that, it's craft time! I want to work on my weaving and see if I can get close to done on the marine-silk wrap. I also want to finalize the block layout for the teal quilt. And then there is my poor neglected knitting...someday I'll get my knitting mojo back!

The deadline to enter my 5th Blogiversary contest is midnight PST, 1/19/11, so enter soon! Comment on this post to enter. There will be 5 winners of my Knit2 Sock Bag Pattern and one of those 5 will also win a Knit2 Sock bag made out of the Knitmare on Elm Street fabric [Ravelry picture].

Good luck to all!

1 comment:

Just Jane said...

I Love the paperwhites!! This is the only year I've not grown them inside...just couldn't get out to shop at the right time to find them...and so NONE...boohoo...the ones growing in my flowerbed didn't do well, the snow freeze and -2 temps really wiped that out this year...another boohoo...your's are so pretty, I can almost smell them! And the roses stunning...odd time of year for a new bud like that...ours are all dormant at the time. We don't prune up here until about May!! So used to doing it in January down in CA....lots different with the cold weather... next year should be some nice ones we planted last year...very "smelly" ones....but love your I miss them!

Eye Candy Everyday...

 ...because I forgot on Friday. (Oops!) Our Marc Chagall rose doesn't know that it's January.